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Is your cover waterproof or water-resistant?Our material is 100% waterproof but as soon as we put a needle through it, we must call it water-resistant. This is because we do not seam tape. (similar to a tent or waterproof jacket) With that being said, the only time we have issues with leaks is when people are miss-using the cover. These are meant to be emergency, on the trail covers or overnight at best. If the covers are being used for multiple unattended days, the water may pool up and the weight will try to pull the seams apart. An option to help the pooling would be to get a telescoping boat cover pole on amazon to pitch the roof panel of the cover and help water run off of it.
Will the "Trail Cover" fit over a folded down soft top or does the top have to be removed from the jeep?"The cover should have enough material to go over a most folded down soft tops. You should not have to remove the soft top from your jeep.
Can you trailer your vehicle with this cover on?Trailering your vehicle while the cover is on is not something that we recommend although we have had many customers do so without any issues. If you are going to trailer your vehicle with this cover on, we would suggest that you put a strap across the windshield panel to keep the wind from getting under the cover and ripping it off.
Will the “Trail Cover” fit over a fast back style soft top?Yes. Our “Trail Cover” is meant to hug close to the factory roll bars so as long as your fast back style top does not extend out more than a couple inches past your factory bars you will be fine.
Can I still use the "Half Cover" if I have my top off or folded down?"Yes. The “Half Cover” is meant to go over your vehicle if you have a hard top on or a soft top in the up position. If you want to take the hard top off or put the soft top down, the “Half Cover” will still work to keep your vehicle dry. There will be some baggy material in the back but the cover will still do its job to keep the water out.
Should I get a "Lightbar Cover" If I don't have a light bar yet?"If you are planning to purchase a windshield mounted lightbar then we would suggest getting the light bar version of our cover. Keep in mind if you use a light bar version without a lightbar on your vehicle, there will be extra material to accommodate the light bar but no structure to hold it tight. You can get creative to keep the cover taut. We suggest a telescoping pole like you would use for a boat cover.
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